Vivier Skin – Impressive Mineral Sunscreen and New Enzymatic Peel

What’s impressive is that Vivier Skin has not one but two sunscreens that are mineral and clear. I was going to write that they’re sheer but that’s not even accurate – there’s no grey tint or white cast to them, and the tinted version has a glow instead of being orange. It should be surprising but given the lack of great mineral sunscreens on the market, it’s refreshing to find something impressive.

Anyway – the newest launch from is the Enzymatic Peel, a product that’s meant to give an instant glow. It’s for people who find a traditional acid product too harsh or drying. If you’re new to skincare or haven’t used acids ever (a glycolic or a lactic acid) then maybe the enzymatic peel is for you. Combining low levels of glycolic and lactic acids with a vitamin c, the promise is brighter skin with regular but careful use. You can use this one a couple of times a week and stick to more gentle skincare the rest of the time.

I mean, I’ve been using harsh acid toners on my face since I was a teenager, so I like to think that my skin is like leather and can take anything, but the truth is that it’s often sensitive because of retinoid use. I might trade out my acid toner for this more moisturizing formula and see how my skin likes it.

Anyway, not a full review because I’ve not spent enough time with the product yet, but yes, I’ve got the Vivier treatment plan with a nice strong retinol, some products for pigmentation, and this new peel. I’ll report back.

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