Kayali Invite Only Amber 23. The only Kayali and the only tobacco in my collection. Tbh, it’s like they took Serge Lutens Chergui and made it more mass-appealing for the Sephora shopper. There’s a mellow coconut and a lot of musk in the drydown but the powdery and tobacco notes are still there. The sweetness combined with the coconut is yummy but not in a gourmand way, more like in a, get over here kind of way. There’s also a bit of cherry in the opening but it’s not there very long, it’s more of a cherry wood. I get compliments on this – people are like “omg what IS that!” Instead of “oh nice perfume” which is what I sometimes get.
The bottle in the picture is my travel size, but they’ve updated these now so that they’re tall instead of squat, which I guess, is more in line with what most brands do.
In case you missed it, here’s my Youtube review of this perfume.
Have you seen Mona Kattan’s perfume room? She’s the creator of this brand and is a prolific collector. Google it, it’s worth a peek, it looks more like a store than a perfume collection. Clearly, it’s there for reference and not because she’s going to wear each and every bottle. Honestly, the more I get into perfume, the more days off a week I need so my nose doesn’t get tired, and I’m not the only one saying that. But that’s how it is for everything – anything you’re into a lot is something that you also need to take a break from and that break also revitalizes you. The perfume break actually helps me smell parts of perfumes better and I definitely need to spray less so it’s win-win.