Did you hear that Chanel will be offering the Les Exclusifs in 35ml formats? It’s a move that’s long overdue and one that is no doubt motivated by forecasted profits. So many perfume lovers prefer a smaller size because they know they’re not going to be able to wear lots of perfume. I bet that in the last, Chanel resisted travel sizes so that people who couldn’t afford a full bottle, just wouldn’t be able to get the Les Exclusifs (which are supposed to be inaccessible) but if nobody is buying the 200ml and the 75ml size is always sold-out, then maybe it’s time to give customers what they want.
Beige is the most tropical of Chanel’s Les Exclusifs collection. It features a Chanelade, yes, but also frangipani for the warmth, ylang-ylang for its freshness, and freesia for that shampoo accord. It’s approachable but still keeps you at arm’s length. It’s giving business casual. It’s giving work lunch. I love it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀