Martha Stewart Living Cookbook – The New Classics

More than 1200 recipes in one book; that’s what Martha Stewart Living New Classics Cookbook says you’ll get. It’s amazing the range that this huge tome provides and rest assured there’s a nearly fool-proof recipe for almost everything.

The New Classics series references the Old Classics, by giving you new versions of the old basics, and the back of the book has an index that tells you all the recipes in both books combined. The Old Classics book doesn’t do this.


I find that both the books are handy to have around because they have so many recipes together that you’ll never run out of ideas on what to make.

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2 Responses to Martha Stewart Living Cookbook – The New Classics

  1. Di52 says:

    I have both of these, and gave a set as a gift, they are great, its fun to compare the recipes and decide what to make.

  2. Henna says:

    Yup, I always turn to these first when I’m on the hunt for a specific recipe.

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