There’s nothing that beats a salon shampoo, eh? Somehow it makes your hair glisten like it never has before, and you know that there’s no way you can get that same effect at home. Every time that I’ve gone to a salon and had this happen to me, it’s been because they use Pureology Shampoo and Conditioner, and so that’s what I’m using right now also.
I’ve been using the shampoo and conditioner for a couple of weeks now, and I’ve completely run out of the conditioner so I know I can give a real report. After using the system, my hair is hydrated and really shiny. I even got a comment on how shiny it is which was nice.
I found the conditioner to be thick and it really didn’t leave any kind of residue in my hair – I guess that’s why it was so shiny! I also noticed that when I used the shampoo none of my hair colour washed out, so if you regularly dye your hair, this would be a good choice.
love the Canadian “eh”, ey?