Tom Ford Champaca Absolute Perfume Review

This was one of the early Tom Ford fragrances so it’s a little different from everything else that’s out there now. It’s a bright floral soapy juice.

TextIt smells like a tropical vacation at an isolated resort. It’s clean and sandy. A place where every fruit tastes sweeter.If you visit a Tom Ford counter and ask to smell Champaca Absolute you’ll hear that story about Tom Ford never wanting to run out of champaca flowers for this perfume and so he’s planted them behind his house in his garden.Stories like this one are why I prefer to shop alone. Anyway, the news is that they are discontinuing this so maybe there’s no more garden? I saw it at a local Tom Ford counter earlier this year so it’s still available.

The jury is still out whether this smells like real Champaca or not – some people say that it does and others say that it really doesn’t.  I think it does.  But it also reminds me of juice.

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